Saturday 27 December 2014

The Lost Planet in INA Part 1

hi guys!
I'm in the mood to write a blog post back yeay!
Mau ceritain aja nih pengalaman sewaktu TLPINA di Lapangan D, Senayan.
Untuk yang kali ini, gue nonton sama sahabat gue. We are Exo L. Bisa dibilang begitu. Tapi kita multifandom banget sih. hehehe.

Kita janjian ketemu di Senayan deket lapangan D. Setelah ketemu, kita langsung liat keadaan antrian yang mengular panjang banget dan gate nya belum dibuka. Itu sekitar jam setengah 4an.
Karena males antri juga akhirnya kita beli official light stick dulu. Untungnya gak ngantri sama sekali. My friend, Trya, bought 1. And i bought 2. Karena satunya lagi titipan sahabat gue juga namanya Lala. Dia gabisa ikutan nonton tapi dia mau light stick nya.... hahahah
Setelah dari situ, kita ngobrol2 dulu, liatin keadaan sekitar, orang pada makan, dll. Males antri bro.... orang udah pada antri duduk gitu walaupun gate nya belom dibuka. Well, kita juga nyantai aja soalnya kita di VIP B. Jadi menurut kita, it's ok untuk masuk agak telatan.

Tiba tiba antrian udah mulai jalan tuh. Jadi langsunglah kita antri dari situ dan ternyata tetep aja lama banget! Sewaktu antri, ada banyak yang jual yang katanya light stick official dengan harga yang agak miring sedikit. Kita pun ditawarin gitu. Dia nawarin pake bahasa Korea gitu kan. Kita pikir awalnya dia orang Korea beneran... ternyata.... mungkin hanya turunan... heheheh dia bisa bahasa Indo soalnya.

Gak lama kemudian, antrian jalannya lancar jaya, jadi masuk deh tuh setelah tas nya dicek terus kita langsung lari masuk ke VIP B. It was almost full di VIP B itu. Langsung aja kita fotofoto selfie berduaan dengan background EXO THE LOST PLANET. Udah degdeg-an banget disitu. Kayak "cepet mulai kek" terus "DUH KAI NYA PASTI UDH DISINI" "WE ARE BREATHING THE SAME AIR WITH THEM" dan lain lainnya lah ya.
Not long after, ada lagu Indonesia Raya. Sebagai anak Indonesia, ya nyanyi lah sebangga bangga nya gue buat nunjukin ke EXO kalo kita orang Indonesia. Kali kali aja kan mereka di backstage dengerin gue nyanyi terus terpesona gitu sama kita kita. Hahaha...

Sunday 16 November 2014

My Dream

Kadang sendirinya masih suka bingung kalo ditanya cita citanya mau jadi apa. Tapi kalo gambaran nanti masa depannya mau seperti apa, itu pasti udah punya banget.

I want to live in Bali, in a secluded place, all by myself, and have peace. Not getting married, just paint, dance, paint, dance, and paint again. And maybe a little bit of fangirl.

Kenapa? It's not that I want to ngerepotin orang tua atau gak sayang sama orang tua. It's just that, I want to live in peace. Udah muak sama dunia yang semakin gak jelas ini, dan orang orangnya pun semakin muna. Saya sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan kehidupan yang membuat saya sedih.

Jadi anda mau jadi pelukis dan penari bali saja? Kuliah gak?
Well, rencana untuk kuliah pasti ada. Barulah setelah itu bisa merantau.

Tapi kalo ditanya guru, cita cita nya apa, ya yang hanya saya bisa jawab adalah "menjadi orang yang semakin bahagia di dunia dan akhirat"


Thursday 25 September 2014

World's Peace, Please

When the sky is really blue in my head
When the sun shines so brightly
When I could sleep peacefully without any sounds
When I could smile and laugh without any sadness

When your sky is getting darker and darker
When your sun is hiding behind the bombs
When you couldn't even sleep peacefully
Afraid of being shot every second
When your eyes are so red because you always cry seeing your family gone one by one

Monday 15 September 2014

I'm Sorry

I am so sorry for my mistakes
I don't even know that it would turn out this way

I feel really really bad after i thought about it again

But there's one thing that you need to know

I am not here to give up
Because i love you when i can't even say that straight to you but i am trying to do it

Love you.


Here For You

I like this song by big baby driver so muchyyy!!
I basically love all of their songs. but this one is so me right now so I'm going to write the lyrics here.

"See my eyes are watching
hear my heartbeat is pounding
whatever i do wherever
i go it's for you
see my days without you
i feel no shame in crying
whatever it takes you know that
i'll be with you

now that i see the light
now that i touch my light
now that i realize all i ever wanted is only you

now that i see the light (and life)
now that i touch my light (and life)
now that i realize all i ever wanted is only you

now that i realize"


Tuesday 2 September 2014

Your Scent.

a bit of the english lyrics of Your Scent by Gary & Jung In. and.... this is so me right now.

"I like you so much because of your human scent
I’m even more attracted to your clumsy appearance
If I hesitate, I might lose you
So I’m going crazy

Just like the sky looking like the sky
Just like the wind feeling like the wind
Just the way you are
Not made up in any way
I’m falling for that beauty"

I really want to hold your hands so badly right now.
I miss your scent.
I miss how your eyes are looking straight at mine.
I miss the way you smile.

I'm craving for that scent of you.


Tuesday 19 August 2014

White Concert 2014

Hi, udah dua minggu nih. been 2 weeks from white concert. move on nya tetep aja gak bisa bisa. buktinya sampe skrg masih aja ngomongin sambil liat liat fancam atau video yang i recorded it by myself yang bikinnya super pegel. secara, gue pendek dan mesti melawan fanboys fanboys yg tinggi tinggi banget jadi untuk dapetin angle yg bagus itu mesti jinjit sambil megang hp gede (taukan my hp is galnote 2) jadi bayangin aja sepegel apa gue waktu itu. 

Oke mulai cerita yang bener.

Jadi sehari sebelum konser, gue pun masih gk tau harus nonton sama siapa. akhirnya gue tanya tanya di twitter, askfm dll gitu buat cari temen yang sama sama di kategori yang sama yaitu festival depan. 

Alhamdulillah ada kakak yang baik banget mau nemenin walaupun dia sama temen temennya juga. dan alhamdulillah juga, they are so fun! we get along each other! how fun right?

at first, gue juga gatau dia siapa, dan bokap gue takut aja kalo gue tbtb ke orang yang salah. toh guepun masih kecil gitu kan. and it was my first time going to a concert by myself. 

lanjut, setelah menunggu beberapa jam akhirnya bisa antri juga untuk masuk ke gate nya walaupun gate nya belom dibuka. kita (me and my friends) ngantri sambil teriak teriak fan chants, teriak teriak "buka buka" dan "dobrak dobrak" karena gate nya gk dibuka buka sesuai janjinya. kan agak ga banget ya sebenernya huhu. gak ontime gitu. jam indo banget ha ha. 

DAN..... pas kita lg antri gitu, A Pink pada ada katanya. soalnya pas diatas kita mereka lagi ngadain meet and greet gitu. ehiya sama press conference. kata temen temennya temen gue (nah loh bingung gk tuh) yang antri udh lbh depan dr pd kita, itu tuh apink members pada wave (melambaikan tangan) gitu ke fans. sayangnya gue gk bisa liat karena gue antri masih agak belakang.

okay, setelah kita antri, akhirnya gate dibuka, dan kita pun masuk sambil lari lari biar bisa berdiri agak depanan. karena festival brooh. masuk ke section festival depan, kita dikasih light stick yang harus dipatahin gitu bertuliskan 'shinzui'

gue masuk, lampu udah agak gelap. dan bener, gak lama kemudian, ada anak anak dance cover apink perform gitu. terus baru deh krispy krunch sama soomin mulai. HACEP banget sumpah. pas krispy krunch, gue sangat amat menikmati lagu lagu mereka yang hacep itu dan berasa lagi clubbing. LOL. gue jingkrak jingkrakan sendiri gitu. gue kira kan jkt48 udh selesai perform ya karena tadinya dibilangin mereka hanya opening act. eh tau taunya....

Setelah krispy krunch itu langsung Apink. gue langsung teriak dan maju melawan fanboys yg tinggi tinggi. trs temen temen gue juga mencar jd gue sendiri aja gitu. yaudahlah yah gapapa. tapi gue menyesal knp gaikut mereka. they found a really good spot. even apink members dadah dadah ke mereka, making eye contact, etc. i'm so jelly. 

apink (minus eunji) nyanyi live gitu. seru deh bisa ketemu dan liat apink with my eyes! omg. dan, seriusan, oh hayoung, uri maknae, cantik. banget. aslinya. 

OIYA! fanchant pas apink itu keras bgt loh!

abis apink, mulai deh tuh jkt48. gue disitu ya cuma duduk duduk aja sambil mainan hp buat update twitter gue (sampe abis itu batere hp) 

jkt48 selesai, langsung SISTAR! wuhu fanboys pada maju semua. they are so freakingly sexy omfg. 

sebenernya gue kira hyorin loh yang akan lebih menarik, asik, sexy drpd yang lain. ternyata malam itu........SOYOU SEXY BANGET. kalo cantik.........dasom! menurut gue ya. 

abis selesai, kan ending ya. eh pas ending apink nya pada gaada :(

katanya sih mereka harus buru buru ke airport buat balik ke korea. 

it was a fun concert tbh. tapi gasuka aja sm rundown acara nya dan gk ontime nya dan antriannya yang sama sekali tidak diatur. bagusnya, tiket di scan bener bener. 

eunji gadateng pun gak di umumin gitu. kecewa deh. 

sampe sini dulu kaliya. capek ngetik he he. mungkin foto dan fancam menyusul. ok? thank you! bye!

Friday 8 August 2014

Movie World

Hey! I'm so glad to be back, writing. I mean, typing. lol.


I got an inspiration to write/type/whatever you call it from my instagram because lately these days I've been seeing a lot of people come to Australia for holidays. Its low season tbh. bcs its winteerrr! *freeze freeze* And.... they come to Movie World which reminds me of my childhood.

When I was around 4 or 5, I've been there, movie world. But now im getting a little bit jealous because they come there when they are 15 or 16 so they could play all of the games.

The only thing I could remember was the Scooby Doo one. Its an indoor roller coaster. It was scary but not-so-scary. Hahahahah.... and then I remember.... nothing. I'm very very sad that I couldn't remember what I played or what I did there. My mom remembered and she told me this and that....... Unfortunately, I can't remember anything except scooby doo.

I wish I could go there again sometimes and have fun like others..... 😊

Oh, One more one more!! Today is the day guys!
Shinzhu'i white concert with Apink, Sistar, and Soomin.

I hope I will have fun today....... because my Apink is now on my town and going to have a showcase this evening~~~ I'm so reaaaaddyyyyy!

Well that's it for now, I'm going to get myself ready for the concert today!

Bye! See ya next time!

Tuesday 15 July 2014


So today,

My class teacher gave me (and my friends ofc) a homework. she told me (or us) to write about me, myself, and I on a "magic paper" (she called it like that) and it must be full!! tbh Im so lazy to write.... because... I like typing better.

I may be going to write a little there and tell her to read this blog...

Make sure you will read this, ms! :)

Sunday 13 July 2014

Tomorrow is Monday?


tomorrow is monday.
I have to go to school.
but now, I'm scared to go.
something happened in the past.
it's something you can't erase.

I am excited too. because when you go to school it means that you're not with your parents and for me it's a good thing.

But, school makes me scared. makes me cry. makes me nervous.

I don't know how to deal with this anymore because it's too confusing.

When I think of school, all I think are stressful, not fun, scary, and any other negative thinks. And after I think of that, I would start to cry.

I'm actually happy for going back to school but at the same time I'm afraid.

I don't know how people could help me about this.
I want to talk to a counsellor or a phycologist but I don't know if I could because I don't open myself to other people..

I could only write on my blog, hoping someone read my blog, and hoping someone help me.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Brought Me To Life

Hi guys!

Another thing happened in my life. Like seriously, if I don't know A Pink, Shinee, Exo, or others I may be have gone now. I basically hate my life. Because there's something. Something's not good. Really really bad.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Music Video

Back again!

I just watched JeKrys' last week episode and there's a music video making scene that reminds me of my childhood. I've actually been on a music video which means I've experienced like what Krystal did on the episode. So, I'm thinking of sharing my experiences there...

Like what Krystal said, shooting a music video is so damnly tiring. You shoot it from dawn until the sun goes down again. You have to do your make-up first (of course its done by the make up artist) and keeping it for hours (I mean, you can't ruin your make up, right?), You have to wait for your return to be shoot, you have to repeat your shoot if it doesn't turn good, etc.

You know, if you have to repeat your shoot means you listen the songs in repeat too. That's why the singer will be get bored of your own songs. That's why when Krystal turn on SNSD's Mr. Mr. Jessica is like "하지마~~~~~~" the same with Krystal.

Of course I'm only an extra but the experience is kinda exciting because it's my 1st time. And that was like when I was still in primary school. I could be an extra because my dad is the producer of the song so he just let me be an extra there.

I think I couldn't tell you on which music video I'm in because it would be so damn embarrassing... hehehe I'm so sorry...

Thank you for reading my story...
I hope you guys could experience it soon! :)


Saturday 5 July 2014

Loser Like Me

"Brothers are people whom we can go through hardships together and help each other." -Lay

He left. We have to accept that. And we have to support him. We have to support both sides.


I know what it feels like. It's like you have to break your friendship. And I know that's hurt. Life is not easy as you think it is. Life is hard. That's why there are a lot of people who committed suicide.

People who can endure the hardness of this life are the best people. Like seriously, I'm a person who could not endure the hardness. I prove it once. I failed once. I've hit the bottom.

When I failed to endure it, I feel like I'm a loser. I just want to die. I wrote it on my diary "Why am I alive? and why I can't do anything?" I've quit school for like... 3 or 4 months, I think? I quit because I can't endure the hardness.

I'm not like kpop idols who could endure the hardness of training, seniority, being mocked, etc.

Yes, I'm a loser. But I don't want this to happen again with you guys. So, don't be a loser like me. Just don't. ☺


Thursday 3 July 2014


hiii I'm going to talk about me! yeay for you who doesnt know me ^^

first, I think I'm kinda introvert (a little). I'm kinda scared to meet or talk to new people. I always want to try but ended up not trying because I'm too scared. but, I love being on the stage. I've been doing some performances (eventhough it's only a mini performance) such as dancing. I love (literally obsessed with) glee (was) maybe not now (again) because the story now are kinda boring and doesn't match up which I think they're so random now... but still... I love their songs. ^^

for now, im kinda obsessed with kpop. from 2010/2011 I think... no one knows at that year. hahaha because I keep it secret (hm, guilty pleasure I think?) until I have bestfriends that like it too so I reveal it little by little from last year... 

my fav group? hm... first its khj (an alien. HAHA NO) then.. 2pm & miss A. and SHINee then A Pink, CN Blue, WINNER, and EXO. but my ultimate group is A Pink. (you can call me a panda then. bcs whenever people are talking about panda/apink im going to look at the people, LOL) if you ask me which one is my bias.. then I cannot. they (each person) are just different.

I think that's enough about me. I just want to share my story about me ^^

catch me on twitter: @kaykirana (fanacc) and @kiranakay (personal acc) ♡


Saturday 28 June 2014


"you said we'll be together. why did you already let go?"

Thursday 23 January 2014

Random (2)

I was in the middle of my group presentation and then after that my teacher commented this on me... "you didn't seem serious while doing it." And i was just like.... "Yes that's really true." Hahahahaha lol.

Monday 13 January 2014


Just found my old posts. Gosh thats when i was start learning englishh asdfghjkl

Saturday 23 June 2012

Monday 18 June 2012